Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Anyone out there? How thick is the layer of dust surrounding my blog? I am such a lazy blogger, sorry. Sorry to the two people that read this thing. Ha ha.

Some quick updates:

*Jacob's best bud/cousin Matthew turned 4 in October. He had an animal themed party. Jacob was a cat. (His fave.)

*For Thanksgiving we went to visit family on the mainland for turkey dinner and a sleep over. Jacob played with his 2nd cousins Seamus and Lucy who he loves. It's neat for me to see my 6 year old cousin playing with my 4 year old son. Jacob stayed up waaaay to late, passed out in a bed with Lucy, watching Coneheads and eating Goldfish crackers. Yes, I just wrote that sentence, and yes, I cringed too. Totally and completely the exact opposite of my rules, and miles away from his normal routine, but it was our "vacation." One night off to do whatever. Ha ha. Once a year. That's it. :D

*Halloween was awesome. Jacob was a wizard, who went trick or treating with five skeletons. Kaleb, Jordan, Matthew, Ryen and Sean...ALL skeletons. We had a lovely dinner with friends followed by trick or treating and sugar crazy kids. Fun.

*Jacob's cousin Sean turned one this month. I can't believe it has been a year. The year went too fast. There was an owl themed party, complete with an owl cake. Sean is so adorable.

*Preschool is still going very well for Jacob. No problems at all. He showed his teachers that he can write his name, and some other words he knows as well. He loves school and is learning new things everyday.
He is really into mazes, connect the dots, and coloring inside the lines. He likes to take his felts and write notes on the calender in his room. If the date is the 7th, he will write a 7 on the date, then write Mommy, and complete it with a sticker. :D
His imaginative play astounds me. Yesterday he set up his mega blocks into a perfect stage, sectioned off an area in front of it with markers (the seating area) and then situated his Chipmunks figurines on the stage so they could have a concert.

I guess that brings me up to speed. I am going to go to bed now because it is 1 AM, and I am falling asleep while typing. I am going to add some pics tomorrow to prove that we did all this stuff. :D


Thursday, October 14, 2010


Today Jacob had is very first optometrist appointment. And drum roll please......HIS EYES ARE PERFECT! Hooray. I have had a slight lingering anxiety since his birth that he was going to develop bad eyesight as I did, but so far very good.

Jacob did amazingly well. He followed all the doctor's orders, read all his letters and completed and passed all the tests. She said she was impressed and that most 4 year olds don't do quite as well. (Yah, I know..bragging.) :)

I had my first pair of eyeglasses at 5, and since then my eyesight has become worse and worse where my prescription is now at -13 in both eyes. For those that don't know what that means, it basically means I cannot see anything clearly until about an inch away from my nose. The optometrist said that his optic nerve is beautiful, he uses his eye muscles together very well, and that his nearsighted and farsighted vision is excellent. HOORAY! I'll just keep praying that his eyes remain healthy and that he continues to have Aaron's eyesight which is perfect.

I had one concern going in, and that is that sometimes in photos it appears as if Jacob's right eye looks a little shifty. Almost as if it is turning outward a bit. The weird thing is, it seems most noticeable in photos. (See below)

Aaron's eye has done the same thing since he was young, and the optometrist said some people's eyes just have a tendency to do this, and it is most often noticeable when they are tired or when a camera flashes. Makes sense! So my fear of lazy eye has been put to rest. He is fine.

Now, to make that dentist appointment that I have been putting off...yikes! :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010


So as you may or may not know..(I have no idea who reads this blog)..Jacob has started preschool! My plan at first was to have Jacob in preschool with his cousin and best friend Matthew, but due to poor planning, indecision and procrastination, he was not registered. It looked as if we were going to forgo preschool and keep him in daycare once or twice a week.

I went to the school to put Jacob on the wait list for kindergarten, and my Sister informed me that sometimes new preschool classes start in January, and that I should look into it. It would be great if Jacob could get acquainted with the school that he may be attending for kindergarten, so I looked into it. Boy, I'm glad I did. By the grace of God or some other crazy miracle, the school had ONE spot left in his cousin Matthew's class! If we wanted the spot we could have it, and he was allowed to start preschool right away!

So although he started school a couple weeks later than the rest, he is in. He has gone a total of four days now and it's like he has always been there. There was ZERO transition, ZERO anxiety, ZERO concerns. On his very first day I hung back to watch for a minute, and he sat on the carpet happy as a clam yelling out all the answers to the teacher's questions. After his first day, his teacher said he did amazingly well. No problems whatsoever.

Now that he is in there and I am seeing just how much he loves it, I am so so so glad that I took Kelsey's advice and checked into it. Jacob tells me about the stories they have read, the songs they have sung, the art he has made, and how he gets to do it all with his best friend beside him.

Yay for school!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The things they say

"Sometimes I pick my boogers and leave them in my bed, but I'm sorry and I won't do it now." - Jacob.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Funny Boy

I asked Jacob if it was hot or cold when he lived in my tummy. His response?

"It was just perfect!"


PS: My 4 year old has started to read! We work on spelling/words everyday, but just the other day he realized on his own that if he takes a word like, SUN and change the S to an F, the word becomes FUN. Then he just kept replacing the first letter and reading the new word. Then he did the same thing with BOOK. (look, hook, cook.) VAN - man, ran, can.

I put all the words he learned into short sentences and made a little book for him. And wah-lah! He reads the book.

I am so proud of him.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Best Friends

Jacob and Matthew. Best buds, cousins 4 months apart, cute as can be. :)